Who is S-DM.info (Consulting): First of all, there is a person behind it. Dietrich Matten After 25 years of managing directors in various companies and most recently 13 years as managing partner, I have always been able to think outside the box after a well-founded apprenticeship.
About the person: Here only in brief:
Apprenticeship concrete worker (skilled worker certificate) Bundeswehr W 15 departure as ensign of the reserve study civil engineering Diploma thesis on the subject: Behavior of natural sand on the compaction behavior of asphalt. (Grade 1.3) „Park study“ teaching degree (with the aim of doing a doctorate in construction) Preliminary examination for teaching degree II
Site management for railway construction with projects such as “Underpassing Staufenplatz; disposal station STEAG; Industrial areas Langefeld, KVB, Schweissfaching. Training and part-time development of a rail welding company with approval in the main track DB line material testing institute according to Rap-Stra. Later also E-license Large proof of suitability DIN 18800 steel construction company
Development and research, large-scale projects at home and abroadQM auditor GF asphalt mixing plants, quarry and gravel works, later also building protection products and much more.
New start in 2009: New start in 2009 after a personal blow of fate. Acquisition of an insolvent company (12 employees). Production of textile storage tanks in steel or wooden construction. Further development of various products with numerous patents and commendations for humanitarian commitment (migrant integration since 2011), commercial and technical trainer. Supervision of DHBW (business engineering, mechanical engineering), as well as various research projects, student research projects and theses. Leaving the company after the sale 12/2021 (approx. 35 employees) Time out and restart 5/2022